Friday, March 17, 2006

The Great Mexia Fire

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a gas explosion. It blew up starting at where the old Palace Theater (next to Penney's) was located. My grandfather, Edward Jefferson Hitt, owned a restaurant there. My Uncle, whom I never knew, was killed. He was only 14 years old. My grandfather's cook was killed also. Two other uncles were in it, too, but were not killed. My grandfather had just walked across the street. My grandfather was also the grandfather of Dick Hitt who was more your age. The fire went all the way east to the corner of Commerce and Sherman Streets (across from Kendick & Horn). My parents, Rube & Mary Maddox (Maddox Cleaners) were dating (they married in 1916) and were walking to prayermeeting at First Baptist. They were on the west side of Sherman Street close to Eubanks Hardware when the explosion happened. I don't know how many people were killed all together. I do know that my uncle's friend, Ray Cox, was also killed. You might like to pass this on.........Elizabeth Robinson